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Henderson Middle School

Dekalb County Schools

Media Center

Welcome to the
Henderson Middle School
Media Center 
 Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Club & Team
Henderson Middle School 
The HMS Reading Bowl Club will meet on Mondays after school Beginning in September.  An Interest Meeting will be held on September 9th, 2024.  In early December, ten students will be selected as competitors to represent HMS at competition.

CLICK HERE to fill out the online registration form

Got a question?  Hopefully this will answer it!

2023-2024 Reading Bowl Club & Team 
Congratulations to our 2024 HMS Reading Bowl Team for taking 2nd Place at the Dekalb County Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Competition held on January 28th, 2023.  The HMS Reading Bowl Club will start up again in September for the 2024-2024 Reading Bowl season.  


About the HMS Media Center

The Henderson Middle School Media Center is the information hub of the school.  We provide academic support to our students and teachers in the form of print materials, online resources, literacy enrichment, information literacy instruction in the context of the curriculum, and technology support.  We promote reading for information and pleasure and strive to ensure our students become effective producers and users of ideas and information.  
Our library contains over 18,000 books and provides access to mulitple online research tools, ebooks, a computer lab, printers, interactive LCD displays for group instruction, moblie laptop labs, digital cameras, and other audio/visual devices and classroom technologies.  
Library Hours
During in-person learning the library hours are 8:25am-4:00pm 
Media Center Staff 
Rob Mason - Media Specialist
Kimber Bell - Library Media Assistant

 Student Reading 

Research Resources

 Click on icons below to access online resources

Destiny Catalogue  
Search for books and other resources in the HMS Library
(To log in:  Username is student's 7 digit "s" number with the "s", e.g. s1234567. Password is mydestiny.)
 Sora by Overdrive
Read ebooks and listen to audiobooks with the Sora by Overdrive app! Sora can be found in Clever or download the free app for iPhone or android, or click on the Sora icon above. 
Research facts, figures and cultures from around the world!
(For login see Mr. Mason or teachers have access to passwords in Verge) 

In Context Middle School
Student centered research database on broad range of topics 
(For login see Mr. Mason or teachers have access to passwords in Verge) 
Opposing Viewpoints 
Find overviews, news, and opinions on hundreds of today's important social issues.
(For login, see Mr. Mason or teachers have acces to passwords in Verge)
In Context Science
Student centered research database focused on science
(For login see Mr. Mason or teachers have access to passwords in Verge)  
 eReference Books from GALE
Online access to eReference books on a broad range of topics
(For login see Mr. Mason or teachers have access to passwords in Verge)  
Provides access to millions of copyright cleared images provided by DCSD
(For login see Mr. Mason or teachers have access to passwords in Verge) 
APM Music
Over 800,000 tracks of music from all musical genres for use by DCSD students & teachers without copyright restrictions.
(For login see Mr. Mason or teachers have access to passwords in Verge)  
World Book Online
Research database for middle school and above
 (For login see Mr. Mason or teachers have access to passwords in Verge)

Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta from World Book
Una base de datos completa en español diseñada para hablantes nativos de español, estudiantes bilingües y participantes del programa ESL / ELL. 
(comprehensive Spanish-language database designed for native Spanish speakers, bilingual students, and ESL/ELL program participants.) 

Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos from World Book
La herramienta de referencia óptima en español para investigadores principiantes.
(Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos is the optimal Spanish language reference tool for beginning researchers.) 
Worldbook eBooks
Access to over 2500 non-fiction and fiction eBook titles.  
(For login see Mr. Mason or teachers have access to passwords in Verge)
Titles may also be accessed in Destiny 

Online encyclopedia for middle and high school research.
See Mr. Mason for the current password
Collection of databases for all levels of research provided by the GA State BOE
See Mr. Mason for the current password 
Online tool for creating citations (free to use but contains ads)   
Pebble Go Next
Database for next level researchers
(For login see Mr. Mason or teachers have access to passwords in Verge)
Pebble Go 
Database for beginning researchers
 (For login see Mr. Mason or teachers have access to passwords in Verge)
BrainPOP Homepage
Brain Pop
Educational activities and videos
 (For login see Mr. Mason or teachers have access to passwords in Verge)