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Schools Closed- Asynchronous Learning Day/ All Activities and Athletics Cancelled 1/21/25

Henderson Middle School

Dekalb County Schools

General Information

6th Grade Transitions
You've finally graduated from elementary school! You're about to take on middle school.


Assignments and tests will be more challenging. In addition to homework, you may also have papers and exams for the first time. The workload may seem overwhelming, but your teachers understand that you and your classmates are making an adjustment. If you feel you're having trouble with the workload expected of you, make sure you bring it up with a parent or school counselor.

In elementary school, you were graded with marks like "check plus," "excellent," or on a number scale. You will now be graded with the letter system: A, B, C, D, or F. There are also in-between grades like "A-", "C+," etc. This system feels more competitive. Remember that your grades are your own business. Communicate with your teacher, parent, or school counselor if you have concerns about your grades.

The hallways at Henderson Middle School are lined with lockers, and one of them will be your "home base" during the day. Instead of lugging your stuff around, or placing it in a classroom desk, you now have a place to store everything safely. You will be able to decorate it with photos, drawings, magazine clippings, and anything else that makes it feel like you. Do not share your combination!

Media Center/Library
The Media Center at Henderson Middle School is larger than the one at your elementary school. Our Media Center has more than just books -- it has computers, learning stations stations, and other forms of media to help you learn. It is also the location where our Henderson Morning Announcements are produced.

Classes are now in different rooms, every hour. The middle school "class schedule" can seem overwhelming at first. New buildings and new routines are confusing for everyone. If you have trouble finding something, teachers, counselors, and other school staff are there to assist.

In elementary school, recess was probably your favorite part of the day. There is no recess in Middle School. You will have Physical Education/Health and an elective of your choice daily. There are many elective options to satisfy everyone.

Get involved in after-school sports, clubs, and activities. From football, cheerleading, drama club, Student Council, or Science Olympiad, etc. these "extra-curricular" are a great way to make friends, explore new interests, and, have lots of fun.

7th Grade Transitions

Duke TIP

Each year Duke University identifies academically talented 7th graders based on their ITBS Scores, through the Duke TIP's 7th grade Talent Search. These students are invited to take the SAT as part of Duke University's tracking process. The University then provides access to programs and services that may not be available at the local school to assist students with reaching their full potential. Taking the SAT gives a better understanding of the student's academic level as compared to other college bound students in 11th and 12th grades. Taking the SAT also allows for more effective planning for high school and beyond. These testing experiences give 7th graders the opportunity to preview the same test they will face during the college admission process.

Qualified students will be identified and contacted through the counseling office when the process begins. Every student has the opportunity to take an SAT or ACT by visiting their websites.

 8th Grade Transitions
Each Year Henderson Middle School administers the Preliminary SAT. The test is given during the school day at a cost of $15.00. It's a standardized test that provides practice for the SAT.
This is an optional test for 8th grade therefore Special Testing Accommodations for this test unfortunately will not be possible.
High School Graduation Requirements
Graduation requirements will help students graduate from high school with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in college and the workplace.

There are one common set of requirements for all students with various additional requirements for meeting specific Diploma Seal Choices for the College Prep, Career Tech, and Honor/Distinction. It is important that all students- regardless of their post-secondary plans - have a rigorous core of classes.

All students will be required to complete a total of 24 units for graduation, and must pass The Georgia High School Graduation Tests in English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and writing. All students will take:

  • 4 units of English
  • 4 units of Science
  • 4 units of Mathematics
  • 4 units of Social Studies
  • .5 Health/1.5 Physical Education course
  • At least 1 year of World Language

Lakeside High School Elective Course Descriptions

High Achiever and Gifted Eligibility (from the county website)
High Achiever Eligibility
Listed below are the entry criteria (first time placements) for the middle school High Achievers Program (Grades 6 - 8) for all participating local schools.

Eligibility Criteria

  • A scale score of 825 or higher from the previous grade level CRCT in reading and mathematics.
  • Exceptions: 850 or higher based on school choice-permission required.
  • Achievement test score of 70% or higher in both reading total and math total is required.
Gifted Eligibility
The Program for the Gifted is part of the Teaching and Learning Department and is funded by the state. The procedures for identifying and placing students in the gifted program are governed by the Georgia State Department of Education.

Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for gifted services, students must qualify in three of the following four areas:

  • Mental Ability
  • Minimum of 96% in at least one sub-test area.
  • Achievement
  • Creativity
  • Minimum of 90% on an assessment for creativity.
  • Motivation
  • Grades K-12-Minimum of 90% on an assessment for motivation
  • A qualifying score on a nationally normed test is required to meet the criteria in at least one area.
  • Private test data may not be used to determine eligibility. It may be used as a referral for further evaluation
Transferring within the DCSS
If a student in a gifted program is transferring within the DCSS, he or she will automatically become part of the receiving school's gifted program.

Transferring Within the State of Georgia
A student already participating in a gifted program in another Georgia school system will be eligible to participate in the DeKalb County School System's Program for Gifted upon receipt of eligible scores from the sending school and their review by the Eligibility Coordinator.

Gifted Students from Out-of-State Program
Gifted students who enroll from an out-of-state program must meet Georgia requirements in order to be placed in the DeKalb County School System Program for Gifted. All scores must be current within two years and additional assessment may be necessary.

Students must maintain a "B" Average to remain in the program

World Language Requirements

7th Grade Only-Two Year Commitment
Students are identified at the end of their 6th Grade year. Any new student will be considered and placed if space is available. Students may not enroll in World Language as a first year student in the 8th grade. High School Carnegie Unit Credit (1 unit in World Language I) is awarded after the successful completion of the two years of World Language 7 & World Language I. This is calculated into the high school grade point average.
World Language is available for middle school students who meet the criteria. Minimum CRCT Reading 825 on the most recent CRCT AND minimum "B" Average in Language Arts 1st Semester of 6th Grade. It is offered in 7th Grade and is a two-year commitment. Successful completion will count as I Carnegie Unit towards the high school language requirement.

Students must maintain a minimum 80 average in World Language to continue in the program.

Accelerated Math Eligibility
Minimum ITBS Math Total of 95th Percentile AND CRCT Math Total 870 from most recent tests.
A waiver may be signed by parent for placement into Accelerated Math 6/7 (6th grade) only. Student may not enroll in Accelerated Math 7/8 (7th grade) or Accelerated Math I (8th grade) who has not been in Accelerated Math the previous year. At the end of the 8th grade year, Accelerated Math I students must take the End of Course Test as 15% of their grade.
**Students may exit Accelerated Math only at the end of each school year.
Henderson Middle School Academic Contracts
Henderson Middle School's mission is to insure success for all students. During the school year the Henderson Faculty, Counselors, and Administration implemented the Academic Contract to provide additional academic support. The goal of the contract is to ensure the parent, student, and teacher work together. It requires the student and parent to utilize our tutorial services, Parent Assistance, and the agenda. This contract will be implemented through the counseling department if a student's academics continue to be a concern. Every 4 ½ weeks academic progress will be revisited and adjustments made if needed. During this time additional names may also be added if the academic progress of other students falls below expectations. All contracts must be signed by the parent and returned to their counselor where it is kept on file. Students placed on a contract they will be required to give up several school privileges.
  1. No Extra Curricular Activities (sports, dance team, clubs)
  2. Team Celebrations (Determined by the Team Leaders)
We strongly feel every student should enjoy their middle school years and enjoy a total middle school experience. As educators, our primary focus must first be on academics to ensure lifetime success in high school and beyond. Students may regain privileges by showing significant improvement.
Behavior Contracts
We strongly feel every student should enjoy their middle school years. Henderson will implement a Behavior Contract so students will follow the rules and respect authority to ensure that Henderson is a safe and pleasant learning environment for students, faculty, and parents. Our goal is to prepare all students to reach their highest potential and achieve their goals.
Ga 411 Requirements
Grade 6
Electronic Portfolio Accounts
Career Assessments or Interest Inventory/Save in Portfolio

Grade 7
Electronic Portfolio Accounts
Career Assessment or Interest Inventory/Save to Portfolio
Explore at least three careers concentrations/clusters/Save to Portfolio

Grade 8
Electronic Portfolio Accounts
Explore at least three occupations/Save to Portfolio
Complete an Individual Graduation Plan to utilize during the middle to high transition