Department Chairs: Elma Ruffin & Erika Baker
The basis of the mathematics curriculum is the Georgia mathematics performance tasks. These are real-life problems that ask the students to apply mathematics concepts. Classroom teachers are doing a variety of things to help the students master the concepts, skills, and the tasks. One method is facilitated group work, where the teacher assigns a group of students a problem and they work collaboratively to solve the problem. When students have questions, the teacher is right there to assist by reviewing necessary skills and/or concepts to help them be successful. Another method is direct instruction (used less frequently than before), where the teacher demonstrates/models for the students how to solve the problems. Overall, the presentation of the content is based on the Mathematics Instructional Framework, which includes a thorough opening and/or mini-lesson, a well-defined work session, and a meaningful closing to summarize the concepts learned that day. Each teacher works closely with state guidelines to ensure that every classroom is a fully operational standard-based classroom.
More information about the Georgia Standards of Excellence Standards can be found at this link: