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Henderson Middle School

Dekalb County Schools

Circling up for SOSRead More ▸
Circling upf or SOS, Stop Gun violence.  At Cedar Grove High School on November 12th from 6pm - 7:30pm and at Mary Mcleod Bethun MIddle School on November 19th from 6pm-7:30pm
Ignite Training Academy Teachers 2023-2024
Ignite Training Academy teachers, Ms. Clarke, Ms. Duggan, Dr. Buchanan, Ms. Ruffin and Mr. Poff.
Volleyball team group photo
Eco Avengers Club Group Photo
Student Council Group Photo
Girls Soccer Team Group Photo
Science Olympiad Group Photo
Reading Bowl Team Photo
Girls Basketball Team Group Photo
Chorus Group Photo
Football Team photo
Drama Club Group Photo
Boys Soccer Team Group Photo
Cheerleaders Group Photo
Boys Basketball Team Group Photo
4H club group photo
Art Club Group Photo
Group photo of Band
Academic Bowl Team Group Photo
Football 22

Upcoming Events

Mar 13

Spring Band Concert

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Read More..
Mar 14

Spring Fling Dance

4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Read More..
Mar 17

MAP Assessments (3/17-3/28)

Read More..
Apr 7

Spring Break - No School (4/7-4/11)

Read More..
Apr 18

Show Choir Concert

6:30 PM Read More..
Apr 29

Spring Orchestra Concert

6:00 PM Read More..

Latest News

HMS Daily Announcements

HMS Announcements 

CLICK HERE to read the latest HMS Announcements.

Spanish Language Sign-Up
Attention 6th grade parents! There are still 30 spots open for Spanish in the 2025-2026 school year. The time to sign up is now.  CLICK HERE to fill out the online registration form.   There is also a hard copy form that must be printed and signed by a parent and submitted to the HMS counseling office. CLICK HERE to download the form or pick one up from the counseling office. 
Rising 9th Grade Information
Attention rising 9th grade parents and students, please use the links below to access important information about electives and programs of study for Rising 9th graders at Lakeside High School.

Cell Phone Pouch Program
Dear HMS Parents,
The Dekalb County School District is implementing a Cell Phone Pouch program for students. This is a pilot program being rolled out at Henderson Middle School and other DCSD schools.  Our school will be a phone-free space to improve teaching and learning using a cell phone pouch program called Yondr.  This program will be begin at Henderson Middle School on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

CLICK HERE for more information and helpful videos

Returning/New Student Registration for 20...
As mandated by the DeKalb County School District, all parents/guardians of returning students must register online before the start of each school year.  Parents/guardians of students new to DCSD will need a Parent Portal Account to register. To Register:
  • CLICK HERE to visit the DCSD Registration Portal
  • Click on Current Student Annual Verification
  • Click on Current Student Annual Verification Application
  • Enter your User Name and Password to log in (If you don't already have an account you will need to create one)
Please call the school at 678-874-2902 if you have questions.

Inscripciones para alumnos que existentes y alumnos nuevos para 2024-2025
Según lo dispuesto por el Distrito Escolar del Condado de DeKalb, todos los padres/tutores de alumnos tanto nuevos como quienes regresan deben inscribirse en línea antes del comienzo de cada año escolar. Los padres/tutores de los alumnos nuevos en DCSD necesitarán una cuenta en el Portal para Padres para registrarse. Para registrarse:
1. HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para visitar el Portal de Registro de DCSD
2. Haga clic en Verificación Anual del Estudiante Actual
3. Haga clic en la Solicitud de Verificación Anual del Estudiante Actual
4. Ingrese su nombre de usuario y contraseña para iniciar sesión (si aún no tiene una cuenta, deberá crear una)
Llame a la escuela al 678-874-2902 si tiene preguntas.
Annual Student Verification Required
Annual proof of residency is required each year for all students.  Instead of providing proof of residency in person, parents/guardians need to upload documents to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.  Parents/Guardians must have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account to verify/update their student(s) information.  For parents/guardians needing help creating or accessing an existing portal account, CLICK HERE.  For more information about the annual verification process, please CLICK HERE or visit
Digital Dream User Agreement
In order for students to receive a Chromebook, parents must complete the digital Dreamer User Agreement.  Use the link below to access the online agreement form:
DCSD Athletic Venue Expectations for Spec...
The DCSD Athletics department has updated the guidelines and expectations for spectators attending events at DCSD athletic venues.  CLICK HERE to download and view the updated guidelines. 

Mission & Vision

The vision of the DeKalb County School District is to inspire our community of learners to achieve educational excellence. Our mission is to ensure student success, leading to higher education, work, and life-long learning. We are making this vision and mission a reality – every day, in every classroom throughout the District.

Through community forums, focus groups, listening sessions, and more, we have engaged our stakeholders, refined our objectives, honed our procedures, and formulated a robust, highly-structured yet agile and adaptive strategic plan. We are pleased with the progress we have made thus far, and excited about the future – of our District, our community, and, most importantly, the 100,000+ students who daily bring to us their limitless potential.

The District has created performance measures, targets, and initiatives to ensure success in each goal area. A monitoring and data collection process has been developed, and rigorous progress check procedures have been implemented. At the local level, on-going training sessions are offered to all principals in order to support the work of aligning, refining, monitoring, and evaluating the continuous improvement efforts of each individual school.

As a community of learners, we are committed to excellence in everything we do – within the classroom and throughout the District. This continuous improvement process permeates each aspect of our Strategic Plan, and we are honored to partner with you to make it a reality for all.