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Henderson Middle School

Dekalb County Schools


Tardy Policy

 This is the tardy policy when we are meeting at the physical school building.  During distance learning, we urge all students to arrive a little bit early so they are ready to start when class begins.  We do understand the challenges faced by everyone during in the virtual learning environment. 

Students who are chronically late to class during distance learning will receive a reminder, and parents will be notified and encouraged to help their students arrive on time for all classes.  



Tardy Procedure

A student is considered tardy after the bell indicating the beginning of class rings. When a student is tardy, he/she is to report directly to class. The teacher will have the student sign a tardy log located in the classroom. Do not send students to an administrator or one of the secretaries for a pass. At some point during the day, the teacher should email the name of each tardy student to Mrs. Morris (6th grade students), Mrs. Rountree (7th grade students), or Ms. Holmes (8th grade students). Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Rountree, and Ms. Holmes will record each tardy on the master tardy log and email you with the appropriate consequence according to the Henderson Middle Tardy Policy. Teachers are responsible for contacting parents and following through with the appropriate consequence. All parent contacts must be recorded in Infinite Campus. A student may not be referred to an administrator for being tardy if he or she has not received three (3) afterschool detentions and one (1) on-team suspension as outlined by the Henderson Tardy Policy.

Henderson Tardy Policy

1st Tardy – Warning

2nd Tardy – Call Parent and Document Contact in Infinite Campus

3rd Tardy – Call Parent, Document in Infinite Campus, and Afterschool Detention

4th Tardy – Call Parent, Document in Infinite Campus, and Afterschool Detention

5th Tardy – Call Parent, Document in Infinite Campus, and Afterschool Detention

6th Tardy – Call Parent, Document in Infinite Campus, and On-Team

7th and All Subsequent Tardies – Call Parent and Referral to Administrator