Henderson Middle School

Dekalb County Schools

HMS Students Participate in Direct to Discover Live Video Conference!

Dr. Schmitt answered students’ questions about the Middle East region, the region is currently the focus of the 7th grade Social Studies’ curriculum. Students were amazed that Dr. Schmitt actually used the vocabulary words they are studying, and referenced the history and current Middle East issues that the students have been discussing. In addition to answering the students’ questions, Dr. Schmitt took students on a brief tour outside his home and pointed out the city of Jerusalem in the distance.

Direct to Discovery is a process focused on connecting k12 students with content and content providers around the world – content inclusive.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oeM-5qyycU

Henderson’s next Direct to Discovery event is scheduled for Friday, December 14th at 1:30 p.m.
Henderson Mill eighth grade Georgia Studies’ students will join Barrow County Schools’ eighth grade Georgia Studies’ students and connect with Lt. Governor Casey Cagle’s office who will be connecting LIVE from the Senate floor from Georgia’s Capitol building.